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ARTIST : Gottfried Roemer



Upon first glance, Gottfried Roemer’s works appear as nearly abstract, impressionistic paintings. Each composition is, however, a photograph on an aluminum surface. Roemer’s process is at once unique and reminiscent of the early impressionist art movement; by experimenting with motion techniques through the exposure process of photography, the artist seamlessly captures a poignant sense of immediacy in both light and color within his works. The movement of his lens throughout the artist’s exposure process renders blurred yet elegant swaths of color that outline impressions of shapes rather than their actual forms. Roemer coins his practice as “Painto,” a synthesis of elements of both painting and photography. Architectural images, seascapes and nude portraits are all captured in the artist’s signature style..


The artist renounces straight depictions, instead choosing to interpret such diverse locations as New York, Cape Cod, Berlin, Hamburg, Isle of Sylt, Rome and Venice as well as human bodies through his highly subjective process of painting with light. 


Key in Roemer’s Painto’s is the perception of the viewer, who is actively encouraged to use their own imagination to further deconstruct or reassemble the images at hand. The pictures are shaped and seen based on perception, and thus entirely contingent upon the sense of sight and process of being seen. A strong tension between reality and imagination materializes, imbuing the viewer with agency and control to make their own image and create their own freedoms. In this highly individual process, the boundaries between seeing and being become blurred.


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